Customer testimonials

With long experience providing fitting, repairing and reinstalling services all around the local area, we are confident that you will happily choose us to provide a range of services for whatever you need.

RoofcraftOur customers rate us:4.5/5 - in 5 testimonials
Quick to respond, good price and top quality work. It's nice to find someone who does a good job. Would highly recommend.

Mr McCann from Bonnyrigg

We've become very wary of using local tradesmen having had a really bad experience with a plumber (that's another story). We found Peter at Roofcraft to be polite and courteous and the work he did was of a really high standard.

Mrs Atkinson from Edinburgh

5 stars all round. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend RoofCraft if you are looking for a good roofer.

Mr Moore from Musselburgh

After an incredibly wet weekend we found water had started coming through the roof of our extension. We got prices from a few roofing companies and decided on Roofcraft. The work was done very well, no mess was left and we're very pleased.

Mrs Campbell from Corstophine

We made a mistake with our first company as the work they did was dreadful. In the end we had to find another roofer to come and put the problems right. We chose roofcraft because of their fair prices and good work. The job was done well and we were also delighted that we received a guarantee with the work that the company did for us.

Mrs Gibson from Portobello

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